Arrays and MultiValues


class Array(value=Unspecified, **kw)

Bases: flatland.schema.containers.Sequence

A transparent homogeneous Container, for multivalued form elements.

Arrays hold a collection of values under a single name, allowing all values of a repeated (key, value) pair to be captured and used. Elements are sequence-like.


class MultiValue(value=Unspecified, **kw)

Bases: flatland.schema.containers.Array, flatland.schema.scalars.Scalar

A transparent homogeneous Container, for multivalued form elements.

MultiValues combine aspects of Scalar and Sequence fields, allowing all values of a repeated (key, value) pair to be captured and used.

MultiValues take on the name of their child and have no identity of their own when flattened. Elements are mostly sequence-like and can be indexed and iterated. However the u or value are scalar-like, and return values from the first element in the sequence.


The .u of the first item in the sequence, or u’‘.


The .value of the first item in the sequence, or None.

